Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What a busy life!/ Layla Grace

For those of you who know me, I am a very busy person.
I work 8-5 Monday-Friday, go to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and work almost every weekend doing my photography. Not to mention I am getting married September 18th and have a wedding to plan. My "down time" consist of editing pictures, cleaning the house or studying.
A few weeks ago, Eric (my fiance) told me that I am a workaholic. The first thing that popped into my head is my dad. He has worked hard all of his life to provide our family with anything and everything that we wanted, but missed out on a lot of the "good stuff" because of it. I kind of made a joke about it and brushed it off at first, but then thought to myself, "When am I not working??" I'm so busy, I don't even have time to realize how stressed out I am!
That night, I set a goal for myself. Monday-Wednesday and Sundays, I would stop working at 10 pm and head to bed. Thursdays, I could stop working at 11, and Friday and Saturday I could stop at 1 am. This seems doable right? Well, the next day, I found myself up until 3 am trying to get pictures done for a client. The day after, I was up until 12. I just couldn't find it in me to not finish the work I needed to get done!
It may seem that I'm jumping around a bit, but you'll understand.
I was reading a blog that I found on someone's page. laylagrace.org It's about a beautiful 2 year old girl losing her battle with cancer. She pulled on my heart soo much that I couldn't help but sit at work and cry. I attended a prayer vigil for her about an hour away from home and have continued to pray for her and her family since that day. I have never been so attached to someone that I don't know.
God and I aren't as close as we used to be, but I feel like I came across Layla Grace for a reason. God is telling me to slow down and take time to talk to Him and worry about worldly things and deadlines later. Life is too short to be in a rush all the time. If things can end so suddenly for such a precious little angel, then there's no telling how much time I have. Why waste it?

Slow down and enjoy your life!


By the way, I was thinking about Layla Grace last night (as usual) and thought of something. This whole time I've been thinking "Why? Why a little 2 year old girl? Why not take the bad people in the world?" Here is my conclusion...

God is like a photographer. He creates these beautiful pieces of art and loves each of them because they are His. There are certain pieces that He wants everyone to see and explore, but He wants it back because it's one of His favorites.

Layla Grace is a beautiful little girl that touched so many people's lives. She is one of God's favorite angels, so He wants her by His side forever. He's done his sharing for everyone to see and explore.

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